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David Wartski

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About David Wartski

My literary pseudonym is Frank Picasso. I am the author of "The Seedy Bar on the Outskirts of Town (And other Assorted Love Stories)," a free book in PDF form, which I released years ago. I could never have handled any monetary rewards or notoriety for this work, because I am a lifelong suffer of bipolar manic-depression. I would not have survived that kind of success. Knowing full well that hat would be the case, I decided to make my work known among close friends and family. And quite a few others. Within the book's introduction, I requested that anyone knowing my real identity not reveal that information, because I needed to do it anonymously. But I also wanted people to read it, and perhaps find some value in its message, and its messages. The book is still free and easily accessible, If anyone wishes to download a copy. It will always be free. As should we all.…

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