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The 7 Musketeers

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The 7 Musketeersの説明

We love trick shots, Video games, Cows, Being outside, and our awesome camera person!

Go sub to: Micah & Claire, here is a link:

Director and editor: Heidi S

Cameraman: thats a secret

main actors: Logan K, Caleb K, Boden S, Micah W, Levi K, and Jackson K

we all do a bit of filming and editing too

Who we are:

Caleb the sporty tall one

Boden the musician and baseball fan

Heidi who is 4 foot 11 and plays guitar and does dance

Logan who can hack just about anything involving minecraft and is secretly an epic gamer on his kindle

Micah who hates people and lives in WV. That's probably why

Levi who can fix anything and is a hard-core farmer

Jackson who plays recorder :I

Others might make cameos sometimes

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