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Revelation 👆aka Golden Eagle 🪶

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About Revelation 👆aka Golden Eagle 🪶

🕊️ Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong.
Exodus 32:2

✨ Father, help us show Your love to the world as we stand for Your Truth.

🕊️ In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
John 1:4

As with John , we're chosen by God to reflect Christ's light to those living in the shadows of an unbelieving world. As we reflect Him, may the world be amazed to see His glory shine through us.

🕊️ Shine on me, beautiful Light of God. Please help me to shine Your light in the shadows of an unbelieving world.

Because our sin separates us from God, only the willing sacrifice of the Son of God could reconcile us with Him. Only Jesus was completely sinless. Only Jesus could take our sins on Himself and pay the required penalty of death. The good news is that Jesus didn't remain dead.
Jesus conquered our final enemy...death!

Won't you, by faith, choose to believe and accept the gift of eternal life from God? Walk in the Light of God's Truth.

🪶✨ Journey Well Brothers and Sisters

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