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Shadman BEATS

1,160 subscribers

About Shadman BEATS

Nas told us the world is yours and my world has been hip hop since '94. I’m an 80s baby so I grew up with 90’s hip hop. Since started listening to it, I never stopped. Hip hop replaced my absent father and taught me things about this world that my blind mother wouldn’t see. So hip-hop to me is very personal, part of who I am as a person.
My hunger for hip hop was to never be fed unless I made it.

Contributions with Hip Hop Junkie Crew:
2004 “Fara ascunzisuri” compilation (No hideouts)
2006 "Fara ascunzisuri 2" compilation
My 1st solo album was a double CD called “In intuneric” (In darkness), 2005 - an audio diary of my life.
My producing style is influenced by 90s hip hop, but you can't call it old & dusted. I put my heart and mind into it, add new sounds & use new techinques, so my music is getting you through all sorts of feelings and thoughts. The drums are central to my instrumentals because drums have an enchanting effect on me, so Shadow Man now creates SHADMAN BEATS.

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