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Unfamiliar | Eliza Ray

383 subscribers

About Unfamiliar | Eliza Ray

Hi, I'm Eliza and I follow The Way. I’m just getting starting with sharing here this year (2024). I want to encourage the Bride of Christ to truly behold and reflect the beauty of His majesty here on earth. I believe that we have become so consumed with everything else in this world and I want to remind anyone watching that the one thing that we all need both collectively and individually is more of Jesus.

Follow along as I study scripture, challenge social and religious constructs with the language of the One True King and push each of us to be the members of His beautiful body that we are called to be.

More about me:
I am the wife of an amazing man of God Nehemiah Ray
and a mother to the two most handsome boys in the world!
I spent years studying scripture in undergrad and went off to seminary just to discover that I had an indwelling teacher who sought to school me in His ways all along.

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