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Mind-blowing Illustrator, Progressive Music Producer, Aggressive Performer, all around absurd dude.

KOOL SKULL, Juan Larrazabal, has been making music since mid 2005. Starting out in basic punk bands, he eventually found the world of electronic music in 2009. Releasing music on various "Net Labels" across the world, Kool Skull earned a cult following for his harsh music made on old computers, Gameboys, and PSP's. He began touring in 2011 and quickly gained recognition as one of electonic music's most prolific producer's and unpredictable performers. He is said to have written a song every day for two years straight, but since countless songs have been lost from destroyed Computers and Gameboys during crazy performances and technical mishaps, this cannot be officialy proven. Today, Kool Skull is exploring the musical world as much as he possibly can by trying to fit his sounds within a somewhat radio-friendly world while constantly trying to push envelope

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