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The Phantom Safety Pin

1,090 subscribers

About The Phantom Safety Pin

Kill or be Killed. Find Hope in the Darkness. Death is not an Escape.

Hi! I am The Phantom Safety Pin. Welcome to my little slice of the Fog! I'm a Dead by Daylight content creator, animator, and complete nerd. I'm also a player of just about any game I can get my hands on, especially the classic, retro, indie, horrifying, intriguing, and/or rare. I adore survival horror, stealth, and puzzle games in particular, and I love everything horror, slasher films, the Cthulhu Mythos, Batman, and many other things besides. My channel is also LGBTQ+ and Neurodivergent friendly! Around here, we keep it genuine, casual, and awesome - even when we get salty. Come join me on my adventures, won't you?

Survs: Nea | Sable | Laurie | Cheryl | Nic
Killers: Ghostface | Dredge | Cenobite | Onryo | Shape | Wraith

I update semi-frequently in large chunks whenever I have something new to share. You can also find all my side projects under "Channels". You should like that stuff too, 'cause it's awesome. :)

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