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Antoine Sottiaux

510 subscribers

About Antoine Sottiaux

Antoine Sottiaux is a cinematographer, director and photographer based in Paris and Brussels. He has been selected for the photographic festival of Pierrevert (France) 2020 for "Statics - Living frescos" and been awarded for best short film at a film competition organized by the Audiovisual center of Liège in 2016 for "Neither Seen Nor Known". Formed at the Prague Film School, the National institute of Radio and Cinema (HELB-INRACI) in Brussels and at the ENS Louis Lumière in Paris, he has directed up until now 8 short fiction films, 12 music videos and 4 ads for notably a welness organisation and a jewelry.

As a cinematographer, he has had the opportunity to shoot short fictions in Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium and France.

This photographer and filmmaker direct his work mainly around narration. He is first looking for storytelling with correctness and within the constraints he is imposed by. His narration gravitate around humanity, proximity, intimacy, commotion and life.

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