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☨St Louis IX opposed paganism, hæresy & debauchery

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About ☨St Louis IX opposed paganism, hæresy & debauchery

St Basil, Letter 146: ‘In every deed and every word hold before your eyes the judgment of Christ, so that every individual action, being referred to that exact and awful examination may bring you glory in the day of retribution…’

‘Francisco! Francisco, are you going to pray with me? It is necessary to pray a great deal to save souls from Hell. So many are going there! So many!’ And they said the prayer again together, for those who said no prayers.’ (William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima, p. 90)

‘For how is a man the better for having his belly filled yesterday, if his natural hunger fails to find its proper satisfaction in food today? In the same way, the soul gains nothing by yesterday’s virtue unless it be followed by the right conduct of today. For it is said I shall judge you as I shall find you.’ (St Basil, Letter 42, 4th century)

‘How wretched must it be for a man to be shut from the glory of the saints and to be consigned with the devil to eternal flames!’(Saint Bede)

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