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David the stobbart OBC

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About David the stobbart OBC

surrealist artist, and multi instrumentalist, I started with 1980s band weirdhair. and I’ve recorded on many sessions over the years , drums was my main instrument and I was a founding member of The Culbiners, 80s band weirdhair, I am now a composer/Recording artist, and a surrealist artist, currently working with, Elgin central sounds. Painting and drawing is something I never grew out of and I have paintings hanging on all over the world
Now based in Elgin Scotland, I was born in Sunderland England, at a time of industrial decline, but within easy reach of the most beautiful countryside. I spent a lot of time in the Durham countryside, my parents originally came from the Durham mining village of Easington Lane.
School wasn’t a great story, I am dyslexic and struggled with education. This all goes to influenced my art and my music.
Art was something I just never grew out of, being dyslexic I would make notes to my self by drawings small pictures,alsocheck@ElginCentralSound-eg1

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