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Mwape Miller

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Información sobre Mwape Miller


I have sickle cell trait, haemoglobin AS, (Hb AS), the carrier state of sickle cell anaemia, classified clinically as being benign! However, this is not and has never been the case for me. I have suffered symptoms of a disease I'm not diagnosed as having since the age of 5 years old.

I began this channel to connect with and re-educate others like myself and the wider sickled community globally, following going through the worst sickle cell crisis of my entire life early 2020 and still healing from the complications of that (2023).

I wrote my story after becoming physically disabled for 3 months and then having a mini stroke Dec 2020, which no one listened to me about since March 2020. If I died, I needed to leave some information behind for others like myself who were ignored, dismissed and told it's 'rare' to suffer symptoms as mere carriers of this debilitating disease! Grab your copy here and help change the incorrect narrative of SCT!

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