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Noise and Bells

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About Noise and Bells

Rachel Isabel Gardener sings in tongues of men and angels.

This channel features original songs and covers in various conlangs, particularly Lojban and other logical languages. I also occasionally post other kinds of Lojban content such as vlogs, let's plays, and learning materials. The style and instrumentation of my songs are primarily inspired by the music found in old-school flash games I used to play as a kid in the early 2000s; more traditional creative influences include Regina Spektor, Billy Joel, Jonathan Coulton, and many others.

You can download my songs from my Bandcamp page here:

I have also created a constructed language called Xextan, which is a logical language similar to Lojban, with an emphasis on simplicity, conciseness, and ease of learning. We even have a Discord server now!

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