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Pierce Nguyen

1,700 subscribers

About Pierce Nguyen

I'm New on YouTube. Name's Pierce. Pierce Nguyen. I was originally, that's all. I have autism spectrum. And develop new. Desired and inspiring to show business and even do voice acting. First voiced as an opening Narrator of MGS3. Contents of Death Battle, video games considering, Actors matching in entertainment industries, Casting and Candidates auditioning and considerable, and remembrance to late famous stars, athletes, VAs, video games, movies, animations, and musicians and singers.

Most contentments is Death Battle of course. Hoping for "being a part of the web series."

I was in a friendly relationship, from July 2023, to Jarely Morales, twin sister to Jeiry Morales. We were great together for 10 months. Around 2024, after months of ghosting and ignored, Jarely found someone πŸ˜” πŸ˜”
Jeiry Morales YT channel is in my YT channel.

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