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16,800 subscribers

About Warrenfanguy205

Hello guys, my name is Warren & I have autism. I love ceiling fans, I love kitty cats, bunny rabbits, and my top favorite colors are blue, green & purple. I also love music too, specifically types of EDM music, and I also love Rock'n'roll (my dad LOVES that music genre too).

As of the 2020's decade (while I still go on YouTube a lot, but usually on my other accounts), I no longer upload lots of videos on here in a typical regular way like I used to (mostly because there's not very much that I know what to get a video of), but I still upload fan videos on this channel here, just practically at least a few per month, sometimes I upload several vids per month, but a bit of other times, probably only 1 or 2 video per month, it depends either way though.

So yeah, this channel shows a lot & lot of videos of ceiling fans from over the years, and other cool (random) stuff too. And feel free to check out my other two channels too (that's ZappingHero & ClanZapHero) if you'd like. :)

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