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Mario Mario

129 subscribers

About Mario Mario

Ello my name is Mario Mario i like to do many things i mainly post meme videos because i have no good vid ideas until i find good vid ideas ill keep uploading memes anyways

Milestones: 10 subs: e🅱️ic

50 subs:wow thanks guys for your support over this past year have a new profile pic

Oh ze no at 49 again help me get to 50 again boyos

Back at 50 lets go

69!?!?!? Thats the funny number :)

71 !1!!1!1! This is Epic! Thanks for your support!

100! OMG

I also have an old channel as well though i don’t feel like linking it for privacy reasons
All you need to know is that i’ve been on yt:

est. 2013

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