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Misty Meadows Permaculture Farm

82 subscribers

About Misty Meadows Permaculture Farm

Interests include: gardening, market gardening, Permaculture, root cellars, food security, passive solar greenhouses, aquaculture, low-till farming, food sovereignty, regenerative agriculture, sustainable and regenerative lifestyle, and enjoying rural living.

We focus on Permaculture and organic methods of growing food, raising animals, composting, water catchment, natural pest controls, planting food forests, companion planting, guilds, polycultures, and working with Nature to grow and raise productive food sources.

Our integrated and regenerative Permaculture design is modeled on natural systems to create sustainable plant, water catchment and animal systems.

Here at Misty Meadows Permaculture Farm, our commitment includes:
* Care of the earth
* Care of the people
* Fair share

Living the dream in cold climate Northwestern Ontario (USDA growing zone 3).

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