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MSE. Dzirasa

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About MSE. Dzirasa

AfroEthnic Writer.
Published Author and Illustrator.
Creator of Equatorial Reader and Children's International Educative Reader Series (C.I.E.R.S.)
Born in Ghana, West Africa.
Lives in Maryland, USA.
Bananas In The Rafters (An African Classic)
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Inspirational)
The Christmas Hut (Junior fiction (Abridged Version with Color Illustrations)
The Christmas Hut (A Young Adult Reader in hard and soft cover...Black and White)
All literary works available in all readable formats at, and
For all other information about my literary works, Go to and search under MSE. Dzirasa.
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"Writing from Life is my passion; creating words that stay is the gift I share with you through my Literary Works."
Thank you in anticipation.:)

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