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Marquesa Pettway

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About Marquesa Pettway

For 18 years, NYC based, Smart Tech Keynote Speaker & VirtualBiz.Club founder helps professionals leverage tech virtually = mo’ productivity, mo’ credibility, mo’ impact & mo’ biz.

CNN Associate Producer turned Virtual Biz Strategist, helps organizations increase employee engagement, productivity, and virtual effectiveness as they work virtually.

Marquesa is a highly sought-after speaker and strategist who has presented to audiences all over the world.

For example, is zoom truly your virtual office? Does it consist of a video and resource based waiting room? Branded zoom sessions which show your logo in place of the zoom logo, means always standing out. One more thing, every zoom session is transcribed and recorded in 7 different ways all accessible within zoom via one link! The possibilities are endless, as a member of the VirtualBiz.Club

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