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The Real Darren L Williams

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About The Real Darren L Williams

First and foremost, I am very much anti-Trump and anti-MAGA Movement. The former Reality-TV host belongs in a prison cell not in a leadership position much less in the Oval Office again as President of the United States. I am pro-equality, pro-minority. I condone same-sex marriage. I am pro-choice in that nobody should have the authority to control the bodily autonomy of another anymore than they should have the authority to dictate whether I am permitted to marry a male or a female. I am unapologetic in my view about the "right to bear arms": IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO RETHINK THE 2ND AMENDMENT. since we have demonstrated time and again that we, as a nation, are incapable of responsible gun ownership. A lesson which we all should have learned early on in grade school was that a few ruin it for the many. So it should be with private ownership of firearms. No kid of any age should have to go to school each day wondering if today's the day somebody comes onto their campus and opens fire.

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