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79,900 subscribers


You came here from a comment, didnt you? I comment a lot, hence why im everywhere. Help me reach 100k subscribers for a nameless silver playbutton!

Youtube does not allow me (shadowbans me) from replying to replies under my own comments most of the time :/

Contrary to popular belief, I will NOT sell this channel (aka all the hard work) when I reach 100k. I know I can't really prove it right now, so theres only one way to find out :)

I do NOT steal comments, despite what some haters might say in my replies. I find comment stealers as scummy as they can get in all honesty. And no, this channel is not run by a commenting bot, which doesnt even exist as far as Im aware. I come up with all my comments on my own.

I am the ONLY one who comments on this channel!

Add me on Discord: @braceletyreborn

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