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Mike the fallen legend

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Información sobre Mike the fallen legend

Hello I am The creator of this channel and production is kinda halted from a civil war among my friends right now sooo yea I am sorry

Mike. Died 2037
Emily. Died 2038
Erika. Died 2035
Jessica. Died 2039
Dan. Died 2036
Wyatt. Died 2004
Gloria. Alive
Addy. Alive
Zack. Alive
Emma. Alive
F/A/I-1061 "predator". Alive
F/A-1491-NAJD "Growler". MIA 2037
Mig-149 "Kira". Unable to fly
ABA 1000. Airshows only
ABA 1058. Airshows only
Jaiden. Alive, Location unknown

Right now 7/15 are dead but I will have the dead show up or have a short from the past

My deviantart:

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