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Evasion Survival, Alaska

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About Evasion Survival, Alaska

A 100% nonpolitical channel focused on Rural Escape & Evasion Survival here in South Central Alaska. This is NOT SERE or related to the military, or Militia in any way. However, it is a vast, multifaceted topic that takes a myriad of approaches from multiple sources to cultivate a thorough E&E plan for the Rural Evader to survive the initial stages of a collapse, whether man-made or natural. Appropriate OPFOR are recognized. This is a civilian plan anyone can employ with a bit of focus and dedication. I will never show everything I do so if you want to be entertained, look elsewhere. I, however, will offer enough of a glimpse for anyone to start their own plan to Evade the danger of the coming collapse. I do not discuss politics/conspiracies' so please leave it off my channel. Also this channel is not monetized so I don't need anyone to be here. Trust me when I say that you need me more then I need you. Azz**** will be blocked w/o so much as a whisper of a warning.

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