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About CDROM1717

The main focus of this channel for the time being is educational, although branching out is by no means out of the question. I am a locomotive technician by trade, and that will be what most of my content is related to.

DISCLAIMER: I am employed by the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company, however, this channel is in no way affiliated with the company and any opinions expressed by me on this channel or anywhere else are not meant to be reflective of the Company's position on any given issue or event. (My job is to fix broken locomotives, not to represent the company in any public manner) Also, as an employee, there are plenty of limitations on what I am allowed to share, so don't expect much in the way of "inside information."

Another thing, I am a locomotive tech with about 2 years' experience. As of the time I'm writing this. Any advice or procedures described are not meant to supersede any procedures of your employer.

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