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The Spiritual Queen

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The Spiritual Queenの説明

Hello. I am a self-proclaimed healer earth angel who has been sent from heaven to learn the human experience by going through the gamut of the human condition. I have mental breaks in consciousness to where I can perceive outside human understanding. I discuss Spirituality by interplaying with the supernatural universe enabling prophesy; Sexuality, by living a gay lifestyle and identifying within the LGBT community & Trans attracted men who struggle with identity; Generational trauma, and narcissistic abuse in all forms, including gangstalking, spiritual attacks, and social/sexual discrimination. I approach the concept of GOD in a non-biblical way, breaking out of structural patterns of thought that limit our universality. Mental illness is a central theme because I struggle daily. I have a memoir "The War Within" detailing my life experiences on Spotify. The link to the book is in the channel URL below. Thank You!

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