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0 subscribers

About DqTube

A private account.
The last personal upload was made in 2012.
Since then, liking or if you share clickbait or complete BS also disliking.
Occasionally I'll make a comment

*Short FAQ*
-How to contact you on another social platform ?
I never use FB, IG, LinkedIn,TikTok,VK because they have foolish privacy policies. I only have a Twitter account, but only as an aggregator of information.

-Are you planning to upload anything new to this account?
Hard to say. If I were planning on creating new thematic content, it would be better to create an entirely new profile, but never say never. Let this question open

-Do you have other profiles on the platform?
In the past I managed two other community channels, but those have been inactive for years. Currently I am using only this one.

-Does the name of the channel have any meaning ?
Yes, but it's not easy to explain because you have to know me personally to understand the path my neurons used to create this "brand".

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