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darkest dark2207

13 subscribers

About darkest dark2207

Hello,my name user name is Darkest Dark 2207,but if you know me for a while you can call me by my old name.

A Guy that have tons of curiosity and also an indie games fan. Sometimes this guy is making dumb and absurd desicion. Mostly knows about addons code and still learning about JavaScript.

summarize and research some fictional characters, and also likes to knows about code in Minecraft addons,mostly played games and doesn't really have a real physical hobbies because it was fundamental.

Favorite YouTuber🫠:
I will put only 5. I admire other addon creators and YouTubers but I only pick 5 because this description have a limit of 1000 words😑

1)Marx5019 (I was ammedietly inlove with his addon making skills)
2)Kuraputi (same as marx5019)
3)MBEB(I always communicate with him)
4)Springcorn (the only YouTuber who makes a beautiful and stunning Touhou model/addons)
5)CharaTG2255/Habirgb (he is one of the OG addon creators)
6) Crazedmodz (lawyer)

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