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Cole Johnson

3 subscribers

About Cole Johnson

✨ Creating the space for people to think for themselves & discover new perspectives ✨

What is 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙍 story? What gifts do you have to share with the world? Each of us has a story worth sharing and can lead you down a path you may have not thought possible.

Hi there! My name is Cole Johnson and I certainly didn't expect to be a person sharing my story through video. But life takes us on unexpected paths. I realized that after I started sharing the real ME with the world there were other humans that truly resonated with what I had to say. I wanted to take this further. And here we are.

Nature is the place where thoughts come to me. It is where I'm able to ponder and flow. 🤔

What you can expect is a dose of nature mixed with my pondering thoughts of the world, life, and all the things.

Looking forward to journeying with you through this shared human experience! ☺️

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