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O. B.

27 subscribers

About O. B.

I'm sick and tired of YT's way of either (shadow-) banning comments, or allowing others to hide (maybe even delete?) certain comments that they don't agree with, via mass "down thumbing", resp. mass reportings as "harassment".

Here's the thing: I'm not against regulating "free speech", since unregulated free speech tends to become hate speech pretty quickly.

However: if the (over-)regulation, respectively the enablement to get comments hidden/deleted via concerted efforts of certain groups, keeps one part of the "community" from getting seen/heard in discussions (let's be honest: there's not much of a discussion left, once one side's comments get completely hidden)...then discussion culture is dead.

"Freedom of Speech" is not dead, when EVERYONE has to abide to certain rules, but when ONLY ONE SIDE has to abide to those rules.

By now I guess, I am at a point, where around 50 to 60% of all my comments are getting banned.
For using words that others use, too - in the same thread...

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