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About D F

Affordable & Efficient renewable energy for everyone! We can use concentrated thin cell perovskite solar so there is FAR less pollution in mining it's much more common elements. way more efficient, 100 to 1000 times cheaper than current solar.
Let's elect engineers to president and congress who've freed the most amount of poor people around the world with their affordable efficient renewables and/or aeroponic crops! Illegalize lobbyist cash in government with the death penalty! Abolish democracy/the republic, because it's fake. Viva Meritocracy!

George Carlin's skit on abortion needs to be seen:

DIY solar with Will Prowse is the best solar channel

BEST investigative channel on youtube, The Truth Factory, was banned by youtube for revealing the Economic Forum guys to be pederasts & worse, so here's the link to The TruthFactory's Bitchute;

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