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234 subscribers

About PandaBrady

Hey party people, PandaBrady here, and welcome to the Panda Party. Here at... my channel, I play random games that are available for PC and maybe in the future I'll do console and emulator stuff. But for now, here I am. I love weird games, horror games, platformers, and the occasional oddity that catches my eye. Not only that but I also try to put out vocal stuff, such as Comic Dubs (at this time, numbers 0).

I am hoping to one day be as big a name as Markiplier to bring joy and love to the YouTube community.

Don't forget to like and share if you enjoyed. Subscribe to become a part of the panda party, cause there ain't no party like a panda party, cause a pandaparty dont stop. And I'll see you, in the comment section. Later!

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