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MG Massey

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About MG Massey

The Fairy Godmother of good cheer is peddling as fast as my typing fingers allow.
Please be patient
The owner of this channel does not keep pace with the modern world
We invite you to rant on your struggles...laugh at me
Listen to the gems of music I leave for your spirits
Please know my silence is not indicative of my concern for you all.
It's only that my speed resembles that of a tranquil turtle
In my culture we don't say goodbye...only till we meet if you see me say " ...'s Tsalagi for hello
Or Wado for thanks
The Lakota say Miyutake Oyasin which is (all my relatives)
Which is what all people are relatives..
Bless your hearts in these dark times.
My prayers you have what you need
That evil stays at Bay
And those of greed
Go away
Much love and best wishes

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