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353 subscribers

About Kaiser

Wilkommen to Some German Plays!
This channel started in March 2019 to at first as Nordic Griffin! At first, I just wanted to share my content with the world. But then I thought ... Why not share my unique background too? Along came "Some German Plays"! I was born and raised in Berlin, moved all over the world, and now I live in Michigan... it's too cold here...

Why Should I Subscribe to you..?
Wow, you're still reading?! Well... if you like Germans and enjoy gaming, WHY NOT?! WARUM NICHT?! I will always keep my channel-friendly, welcoming, and community-based. Many big channels have lost the personal touch with their followers. I don't want to be like that. The channel is for US! Not no, not the U.S but US! YOU AND ME! But it's also for the U.S, Germany, Deutschland, England, Australia, Netherlands, etc...whoever else wants to join!

Alright, thanks for reading! Now go watch videos!!!

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