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About SuleymanSGHK

Here are all my information:
Name: Suleiman
Alternate names: Magolor, Apolyta and like 60 other names
Ethnicity: Cantonese (Singaporean Larper)
Languages: English/Cantonese/Mandarin (not that proficient)
Age: >18 (born 2008)

My only presence on social media are Youtube and Discord

Discord tags: @suleimansghk / @khgsnamielus
Affiliated with: Neo-Kyivan Rus / Battle for the Rus / Codex Terrasphericus / Grand Mapper

'Black hearted evil? Brave hearted hero? I am all, I am, all I am.'
~'I am... All of me', Shadow the Hedgehog, 2005

see what see cockeye ah

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